The characterization lab of IMM-NA unit performs multi-disciplinary research activities in the field of photonics (waveguide and fiber devices), sensing (physical, chemical and biological), microscopy and imaging. A numbers of instrumentations and a variety of characterization techniques in the fields of microscopy, electrical and optical characterization are made available.
The core of IMM-NA unit research activities is focused on the optical characterization. This part of laboratory has been recently modernized with the purchases of some cutting edge laser sources: supercontinuum, Ti:Sa and OPO. Their flexibility allows in principle to implement a large number of linear, nonlinear and ultrafast optical techniques, for the characterization of both materials (bio and not bio) and device.
The research activities involve a number of scientific collaborations with Italian and foreign accademic institutions, research centers and industries. The laboratory provides for students education and training. Students are welcome and they are encouraged to contact us in order to obtain information about thesis, PhD and fellowships.